D.I.Y Heart Sweater


Bosan pakai sweater yang polos gitu – gitu aja? Mau beli sweater baru tapi bokek? Bikin sweater sendiri yuk!

  1. Siapkan sweater polosmu, dan karton
  2. Potong karton berbentuk hati dan potong sesuai pola
  3. Tempelkan pola yang sudah dipotong ke selembar kain warna merah yang akan ditempelkan (bisa menggunaan polyester fabric)
  4. Tempelkan kain berbentuk hati ke sweater dan jahit dengan jahitan zigzag
  5. Sweater bisa langsung dipakai 😉

Make sure kain yang dipakai untuk tempelannya yang gak luntur ya biar sweaternya ga kelunturan.


(tips by Kelsie & Elsie)

D.I.Y Lip Scrub

Matte lipsticks and liquid lipsticks that we use everyday drying out our lips. And with chapped lips, your lipsticks won’t applied well. For getting smooth lips, you must do exfoliate at least 3 times a week or even everyday! You can simply use brown sugar+honey as scrub. But this DIY lip scrub is worth to try!



  1. Mix Vaseline and lip balm in a small bowl. Pour some olive oil, and put them in microwave
  2. After melting, put salt and sugar into the mixture and stir them well
  3. Keep the scrub in a closed container
  4. Enjoy! 😉

You can get more beauty DIY here