Greek Yogurt; Guilt-Free Dessert!


Sometimes, between meals, we want something sweet/salty and light snack. But do you know that a stick of ice cream you eat has 450 calories which is equal to satu bungkus nasi padang? Or do you know that potato chip you finish has 625 calories which equal to 2 porsi nasi ayam?

Yogurt is fermented milkusing lactic bacteria starters: Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. Yogurt low in calories and packed with calcium and live bacterial cultures. Greek yogurt is yogurt that has more protein but less calories and fat than usual yogurt. Here are 4 ways to make Greek Yogurt:

  1. Chocolate Pudding Greek Yogurt


What you need is:

  • 1 1/2 – 2 tbs instant chocolate pudding
  • 7 oz. greek yogurt
  • fresh fruit for topping

Stir chocolate pudding powder with the yogurt until they begin to thicken like chocolate mousse. Pour into the glass and top with fruit you like.

2. Lemon Meringue Greek Yogurt


what you need is:

  • 1 to 1 1/2 tablespoons lemon curd
  • 7 oz. greek yogurt

Mix them together and stir well. After poured into the glass, top with granola.

3. Banana Bread Greek Yogurt


What you need is:

  • 1 ripe banana
  •  1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 7 oz. greek yogurt (one small container), and a few walnuts or banana chips. Mash up the banana and stir into the yogurt. Stir in the extract, and top with nuts or banana chips.

Mash the banana first then mix the banana with yogurt and don’t forget the vanilla extract. Top with nuts or banana chips. You can drizzle some caramel sauce too 😉

4. Cookie Dough Greek Yogurt


What you need is:

  • 1 tbsp peanut butter (the creamier the better!)
  • 1 tbsp honey. Manuka honey is best.
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract

Mix all the ingredients together then top with chocolate chips.

(recipe by: Emma Chapman)

A Treat For Yourself

Hello peeps! After struggling with my weight, lately i’ve been changed my lifestyle. Last month, i did a short trip to Jakarta with my whole family, and i’ve ended up eating everything. We went from one place to another place just to find a good food. With all of those greasy food, high-carb food, and fatty food, i came back to Jogja with no jeans to wear (haha). I was 49kgs before and after my food galore i was 52kgs. With a lot of my friend and my family  told me “kok gendutan gis” “kok pipinya nyempluk gis sekarang”, and  i can no longer use my jeans because they’re just too tight, i thought that i need to do some workout and change my eating habit.

Besides doing some cardio workout and manage my daily calories intake, i also drink green juice every morning.


What i mean with green juice is not the juice have to be green in color, but it is a mixed between vegetables and fruits. Everyday i make this green juice, but once a week i replace the juice with green smoothies which have a different consistency and packed with A LOT of vegetables. So this was some of vegetables and fruit i use to make green juice yesterday.


Yesterday i made a smoothie so i use a banana. If a want to make juice, i don’t use banana so the juice will be have light consistency. This ingredient  can make 2 serves:

  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 guava
  • 1 green apples
  •  2 strawberries
  • 1/4 dragonfruit
  • 1 starfruit
  • red cabbage
  • lettuce
  • pakcoy

Put all of the ingredients in the blender, if it’s to thick, pour some water, but you have to make sure the smoothie still thick. For the juice i usually use only 3-4 ingredients. some of my favorite veggies and fruits are:

  • pakcoy
  • carrot
  • pineapple
  • strawberry
  • broccoli

For daily i only use those ingredients. The taste is good actually because the fruits like banana and pineapples is stronger than the vegetables sooo yeah it’s good and has a lot of benefit. A day after the first day drinking this juice, your toxin will be flushed out of your body so your body will feel fresh and healthy. Your skin will be better too. After 2 week consuming this, i’m back into 48kgs. Yay!

I will keep drinking this juice for healthy reason. You can make your own juice and smoothie with any kind of vegetables and fruits you like and believe me, your body will thank you. Thanks for letting me share! XO.